
We’ve all heard the saying that it’s better to measure ten times and cut once, than measure once and cut ten times. The same principle applies when you’re planning to erect a building, and you’re in the planning and drafting stage. Aside from envisioning the architecture, aesthetic and functionality of the building, you’ll need to inspect the land on which you intend to build before you begin, so that you can avoid excavating any underground service locations present. Here’s how you can find and work around them.

Location, Location, Location

Your building needs to be in place that will benefit and grow your business. You won’t get much exposure If your business offices are located in the secluded countryside with no internet connection or passing foot and motor traffic. It would help if you were found in a town or city centre that will allow your business to get more customers and lower your transportation costs.

Building in a central location means that you’re at a higher risk of hitting a service line. This can result in significant implications to all the buildings in your surrounding area – not just yours. In a city or a town, it’s essential to get as much information on a location as possible, well before you intend on building.

Be Informed

Having powerlines running underground will most likely mean that your building will need a source from that powerline. There are a variety of lines that get buried underground and that are located near to you, including phone lines, gas lines, power lines, or water and sewage pipes. It’s for that reason that you need to know what lines, if any, are near to where you intend on digging.

Be Ahead Of Your Plans

Call an expert to help you with your building plans well in advance is the best way to prevent delays with erecting it and if your ideas need to be changed for risk of hitting a line, you’ll know well in advance.

Briton is such an expert, and we use state of the art technology for underground service locators to find out where and what kind of lines is located beneath your land. Contact us today for assistance on your next building project.
